Some call this a curse. Some call it a Proverb. While others call it a blessing. Regardless of what you call it I’m sure it gave you a little smile as you thought of someone you weren’t to fond of or didn’t really love too much at the time. I remember the 1st time I read this Irish… hmmm… I’ll like to call it a Saying! It was on St. Patrick’s Day at my families favorite Irish Pub in Prescott (sigh… it’s now closed). It was on the wall just above the first urinal in the men’s restroom… I know funny right.
We do that though, right? For many of us when we are hurt or someone doesn’t show love to us we get angry, which can turn into resentment and even bitterness. So much so that we may even wish bad things on them. I’m not sure I’ve ever wished that God would make someone limp, but I’ve had those bad thoughts when someone has hurt me. A lot of us do this right? We hold on to “stuff” and don’t forgive. It can cause distance in relationships, but more it can actually cause pain in our own life if we don’t forgive and move on.
You know the funny thing about this saying is that when we walk around with unresolved hurt, anger, bitterness, resentment… it’s as if we are carrying a 300 pound burden on our back. Ironically I’m sure the more a person carried this around the more they would begin to limp.
Who do you need to forgive?
Have you forgiven yourself?
Who do you need to ask for forgiveness from?
I pray you will Spring into action and find forgiveness today. Don’t wait till the end of the rainbow… it may not be there and your limp might get so bad you don’t make it.
Maybe you need a Counselor to help you through this process. I’m here to help and I’ll meet you where you are at! Feel free to contact me today for all (#individual #marriage #family) your counseling needs.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day (week).
#StPatricksday #spring #irishproverb #irishcurse #irishblessing #irishsaying #Ireland #Sláinte #travisdalecounseling #marriageandfamilytherapy #counseling #mft
“May Those Who Love You, Love You”