Many of my clients ask me my opinion on what medication they should or shouldn’t take for their anxiety. I’m not a big fan of medication, but many do need it. I encourage you to work in tandem with a Counselor and your Dr. to manage any medication you may take to manage or prevent anxiety.
So for those of you who experience Anxiety from time to time or in certain circumstances (social gatherings, doctor’s office, test, getting shots/needles, etc) here is a great tool to use when you feel anxious (see picture). There are many tools when dealing with anxiety (breathing techniques, meditation, etc), but these are just tools.
My personal/professional opinion is that most of us have some form of anxiety. What triggers anxiety is what determines the level and severity of physical reaction. Some people have shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, increase blood pressure, nausea, feeling light headed/faint. Others can actually experience a “shock” to the body that causes a “shutdown” or what many call a panic attack.
So does any of this describe you?
Many people need more professional and ongoing help with their anxiety through Counseling. Anxiety is nothing to be ashamed or embarrassed by. If this is you please don’t hesitate to contact me and start your journey to the best YOU today!
#anxiety #groundingtool #thebestyou #Counseling #Individuals #Couples #Family #MarriageandFamilyTherapy #notashamed #whereveryouareatinlifeletsmeetthere
Grounding Tool